4 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a New Home

Regardless of whether it’s your first or your fourth time, building a new home can often be as nerve-wracking as it is exciting. The building process is long and sometimes challenging, and by doing some careful research and planning upfront, you’ll be able to avoid setbacks along the way. To help you feel set up for success, here are some common mistakes to avoid when building your new home:

1.     Trying to do everything on your own

Running a construction site is a tremendous job and it's best left to the professionals. It can sometimes be hard to take a back seat when you’re eager to see your future home come to life, but construction management can be stressful and time-consuming. Having a trusting relationship with your construction team will ensure that the job gets done efficiently and save you the worry of organising everything yourself.

2.     Choosing a builder that’s not the right fit

Finding a reputable builder that complements your design style, communication preferences and overall needs is essential to ensuring your build is as smooth as possible. If you’re ready to begin searching for a suitable builder, check out our article to discover our top questions to ask when engaging a builder.

3.     Overcomplicating your design

Every family has their own unique set of needs and some home features may be absolutely necessary, while others might just be nice to have. Designing your home with too many bells and whistles can lead to underutilised spaces and features that you don’t really need. Taking a critical look at your current home and determining what works for you, what doesn’t and what’s missing is a good place to start, so you can ensure your future home’s design is perfectly suited to your lifestyle.

4.     Making changes during the construction phase

Once building has begun, any design changes can cause significant delays in construction, as well as additional expenses. The best way to avoid making changes is to have a clear plan in place before building commences. Taking the extra time to plan ahead and ensure that you’re 100 per cent happy with the overall design of your future home can save you the headache of making changes later down the track.


Looking for more building tips? Check out the following blogs to learn more about designing and building your dream home at Panorama Portarlington:

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