August Update

The Viewhaven Release is now entering the Statement of Completion process.

With all civil works complete, we are gathering all the relevant authorities’ sign-offs so we can formally lodge for titles.

This process is difficult to put a timeframe on – it can take a few weeks or more than a month. We’ll keep you updated on the stage’s progress.

Read our Settlement Guide for more information about your upcoming settlement process.

Site Access for Valuers

Individual lot boards are now installed in Stage 3 to facilitate valuers in identifying your block. If your funding requires a valuation to be completed, please inform the relevant parties that they can now access the site. However, prior to visiting, they must coordinate with Ash Beddison from BildGroup. Ash can be reached on 0447 439 865 or

Site Access for Soil Tests

As soon as we pass our Stage 3 Powercor audit, you will be able to access your block to complete a soil test.

Stage 3 Compaction Report

The Stage 3 compaction report can be accessed via the following link.



Bushfire Prone Area: Important Update

We’re pleased to confirm that the Bushfire Prone Area (BPA) zoning has been removed from all lots in Stages 1–3, except for Lots 125 and 126. Bushfire construction requirements will no longer apply to the other properties.

Construction Update Viewhaven Release Stage 3a

Estimated Certificate of Title Date

Q3 2024

Estimated Settlement Date

Q3 2024

Earthworks involves the loosening, removing, depositing, shaping, compacting or stockpiling of existing soil and/or the importation or removal of fill. Site re-grading is carried out to adjust the slope and elevation of the soil.

100% complete


90% complete


Each block will be provided with the reticulated sewer services. These pipes are laid in a trench and the area is usually protected by an easement. Reticulated sewerage systems (network of pipes) carry sewage from homes to modern sewage treatment plants

80% complete

Road infrastructure

Once the earthworks and sewer is complete, we then commence the construction of the road base, kerb, footpaths, driveways and other services prior to the placement of the asphalt.

Water and Gas

90% complete

Gas and potable (drinking) water pipes are installed and each lot has a single connection point.

Electrical and Telecommunications

80% complete

Located within the verge is the trench that contains electrical cabling. Once this is completed, street lights can be installed. In addition, the fibre optic cable is installed and will be used to provide high speed broadband and telecommunications services to your home.

Construction Complete

Estimated July 2024 subject to compliance

All construction works are completed and council then needs to ensure compliance with any agreements and conditions placed on any planning permit relating to public works and open space provision. This is carried out by a licensed land surveyor.

Registration Phase

Statement of Compliance


A Statement of Compliance (SOC) is issued by a licensed land surveyor when all requirements and conditions have been met and/or approved by all referral authorities and Council.

Plan registration


The statement of compliance is then forwarded to Land Use Victoria with other documentation, which allows individual titles to be issued for every lot within the subdivision stage.

Title Timeframes

Throughout our communication with purchasers, we will always provide an estimated timeframe for title registration and settlement.

The reason we can only provide estimates (for example Q1 or late April) is due to factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions and approvals from multiple authorities.

To provide some context, the Panorama Portarlington development team requires approval from various authorities including the City of Greater Geelong, Powercor, Barwon Water, NBN, VicRoads, and the CFA. Each authority operates on its own timeline for inspections and audits, and we can only join their queue once all civil works are complete. It's challenging to predict the exact duration of these approvals: they could take three weeks or six.

We understand the frustration of not having a set date, but we are committed to providing our customers with regular updates and estimating completion dates to the best of our ability.

If you find receiving estimates frustrating, please rest assured that our Conveyancer will send an email to all purchaser representatives upon lodging the Plan of Subdivision and again when the plan is registered, providing title particulars and settlement dates.